Once you have completely finished your novel:
What do you believe is the theme of your novel? Support your choice with detailed examples from the text. Correct paragraph format and conventions are needed.
All of your answers will be graded for accuracy, conventions, and proof of effort put into your answer.
The theme of Far from You by Lisa Schroeder was that life is too short to dwell on the negative things that happen to all of us. Alice, the main character in this book, expirienced a lot of life's downs before she learned this lesson. Her mom died from cancer, and her father remarried. Victoria, her step-mom, was pregnant and had a baby. Alice feels unimportant to her dad, who used to have time for her. She ends up trapped in a car while a snowstorm traps her, Victoria, and the new baby. Alice and Victoria learn to empathize with each other in order to survive. While Victoria goes for help in the cold, Alice is left to take care of her baby sister until they are rescued. They are trapped for 4 days with little food, gas, and hope left. Alice then realized the theme of this story, and that is that life is too short to dwell on the negative things. Alice learns to love her new baby sister and her step-mom and to still remember the essence of her mother.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Three Rivers Rising by James Richard is to do what you think is right. In the book Celestia the main character falls in love with a boy named Peter. Her dad won't let her see him because he is more poor and isn't in the upper-class. Her dad tells her that if she continues to be with the boy then he won't call her his daughter and she won't be apart of the family. Even though she knows that her dad is being unfair by saying he isn't good enough because he isn't as wealthy as them it still puts Celestia in a tough situation. Celestia has to choose between the love of her life or family.
ReplyDeleteThe Theme of Dark Sons is that just because you may have a bad time in your life does not mean others ar not going through the same thing. I belive this is the theme because this book is through two different boys point of veiws from two complete different parts of the world. One lives in America and the other lives in Egypt. Both of them their dads betrayed them and married someone else and had another kid. After the kids step mom and his dad had a new child they began getting jelious of their little brother that got all the attention. Adventualy Sam th kid from America begins to like his little brother who then has to leave because his dad desides to move. Then at Christmas his little brother sends a picture to him. At the end of the book in the epologe Sam relizes that someone in egypt was in a very similar situation and he relizes that he is not the only boy with this kind of problem. that is why I belive that the theme is what I belive it is.
ReplyDeleteIn my poetry novel, The Trial, by Jen Bryant I think that the theme is to be careful what you wish and ask for. In the book Katie is the main character. She complains in the beginning of the story that her hometown of Flemington, New Jersey it is too boring and that nothing ever happens that is of interst. But when the trial of Bruno Richard Hauptman and the murder of Charles Linderbergh Jr's baby son come to her home town of Flemington, New Jersey her world gets turned upside down. When this originally happens Katie is extatic because she gets to record the trial for her uncle Jeff, who has a broken arm and is the main reporter for The Democrat (the local newpaper). As the trial carries on she starts to think," Where am i supposed to go when I need time alone?" and and starts saying things like," Funny how i'm not sure of things anymore." When the trial is finally over, Bruno Richard Hauptman is found guilty, and the reporters and Hollywood stars start to leave her town the stress and chaos that came with it never really leaves Katie. By the end of the book Kaite is changed forever and the world isn't the same as it used to be. Kaite got what she wanted but was it really what she needed? This is why I think the theme of The Trial by Jen Bryant is to be careful what you wish for.
ReplyDeleteThe theme for my book is don't give up on the gift of life until it gives up on you. One of the girls in this book said don't you know when you kill yourself those you say you love, they die too? It also says that you don't have to be someone to be someone special. It does not say why she killed herself or how she did it but it is still sad reading about what people had to say about Anna's death. In this book it seemed like she had many people that cared about her and it hurt a lot of people when she killed herself. Even if you don't think anyone is there to help you or is there for you, you are wrong because there is always someone there for you. When life gets hard just think of how many people that would be sad if you died, that is why you can't give up on life.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Under the Mesquite is cherish what you have while you have it because it won't be there forever. In this book, Lupita loves her mom very much. One day, Lupita is snooping through her mom's stuff and finds paperwork from the hospital. It is telling her mother that the tests came back positive and that she has cancer. At first, Lupita's mother starts to act strange. Soon, her mother is getting worse, and Lupita keeps having flashbacks of when her family was "normal". Then, Lupita thinks of all the things her mother won't get to see her and her siblings do. Lupita starts to write poetry under her mother's mesquite tree. Finally, her mother dies, and Lupita needs to find ways to deal with this tragedy.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Zorgamazoo by Robert Paul Weston is that occasionally you need some excitement in your day not just boredom. I think this because the bad guy, Dullbert Hohummer the Third, tries to capture boredom but the good guys stop him by making a new gas called Enchantium Gas, which is pure thought. In the begging Katrina Katrell makes up monsters for excitement. The third reason I think this is because over the whole story Katrina and Mort have an adventure in which they both become heroes by returning mythical creatures to Earth. This is why I think the theme of the story is occasionally you need some excitement in your day.
ReplyDeleteChasing Brooklyn has multiple themes, but there are two main ones. The first one is to not let fear overtake your life. Brooklyn is scared of moving on after Lucca dies, but Gabe (a friend of Brooklyn who died after Lucca) came back in Brooklyn's nightmares every night and convinced her that Lucca wanted her to be happy. The second one is be happy and move on. Brooklyn throughout the whole book is stuck in the past. She still talks to Lucca, goes to his favorite places, listens to their songs, even reads his favorite comic books. But after Lucca comes to her in a dream to tell her that he wants her to be happy, she finally starts dating Lucca's brother Nico, and everybody was happy.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Hugging the Rock by Susan Taylor Brown is to never give up because some of the answers you might be looking for are right in front of you. In the book the main character Rachel, has a Mom that struggles Bipolar Disease. Her Mom packs up her car and leaves Rachel with her Dad and dog who she never had grown up to know. She struggles with her Dads shyness and problems to connect. As the book continues Rachel and her Dad grow closer and she starts to learn things only making her appreciate her Dad more. Even when her Mom does not return she learns that everything will be okay, and even if she didn't realize it at first her Dad has been there from the start.
ReplyDeleteI think that the theme of my book was that family is always family. It doesn't matter what condition your family is in. It doesn't matter if you have family members that are different. In this case her sister goes crazy, but her family goes and talks with her. They even play Monopoly like they used to. But in this story she learns that it doesn't matter the condition of a family they can always be together.
ReplyDeleteI think the theme in Displacement by Thalia Chaltas is home is not always what you think it is. I think that because Vera's parents were never there and she didn't have a "normal" home life.Vera's sister died so she ran away to a desert town in California. This is where I think Vera really feels at home. In the story Vera can relate to lots of the people who live in Garret because they have lost a loved one like Vera lost her sister Amy. Vera even witnesses a father lose his son and she knows how he feels. Those are the reasons why I think that is the theme of this story.
ReplyDeleteI think the theme is that no matter how hard life is you always have to keep trying and trying. No matter what obsticles your way you can always lookn at the good things not the bad things. In this novel there are always going to be people who only look at the bad things in a situation and those are the people that never really learn what life is about. I think you should look at the positives and enjoy life. The charactors in this book i think really found out the meaning of life, and that your life could end any day now and the charactors really captured that motto.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know is being concerned about what other people think will only cause more problems. Do what makes you happy. An example of this is when Robin breaks up with Sophie because he hears people making fun of her for dating him.They both really miss eachother but aren't talking because of a big blow up they had over the situation. Sophie has never cared about the fact that people make fun of them as a couple but Robin feels like he is ruining her life because he is a nerd and she used to be popular.Soon they both come to realize if they just have eachother what other people think doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Sweetgrass Basket is to always stay strong, even if you have no hope. Sweetgrass Basket is about two Mohawk Indian sisters, Mattie and Sarah, who are sent to a school where they are supposed to be learning "how to be just as good as white people". Their mother passed away and their father believed that sending them to the school is the right thing to do. The conditions for them at the school are not very good; their feelings are misunderstood, and if they do anything wrong they are abused or forced to do more work. One of the girls, Mattie, even though she was dying inside, always set a good example for her younger sister. Mattie did not let anyone see her cry and always stayed brave, and she told Sarah to do the same.Even though she was being treated badly, she stood up for herself and got up every morning and kept going. She made it so her sister Sarah had no idea that she was sick. (and litterly, actually dying) Mattie was accused of stealing the headmaster's broach, and she had not. Mattie was then beaten and starved, but kept going just to show her sister that she would need to stay strong. Sarah later found the missing broach, but it was too late; *SPOILER Mattie had already died. (this is where I started crying...)* Now Sarah knows for a fact that even though there is not much hope, she stays strong. She keeps going everyday, because her sister impacted her so much.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of the book Ringside 1925 is that there is no one view that is completely correct and many people may disagree with what you believe. Your friends and family may even have different beliefs than you, but it is important not to let that get in between you and not let it hurt your relationship with that person. A boy named Peter Sykes and his friend Jimmy Lee Davis have two very different views on the Scopes Trial which is taking place in their hometown. They begin to argue very often and their friendship grows weak thanks to the trial. Later in the book they realize the insignificance of the trial and see that their friendship is far more important and become friends again. There is a young girl named Marybeth Dodd that lives in the town of Dayton that believes the Monkey Trial is important. Her father believes it is a huge waste of time and it is very pointless. In an effort to prove that the trial has meaning, Marybeth gets a job working at a mansion where several reporters will be staying during the course of the trial. In this job she earns enough money to apply for college. She would not have been able to raise this money without the trial and this convinces her father it was meaningful. Her and her father become very close again because of it. It is very important not to let believes get in the way of your relationship with somebody because it is irrelevant and unnecessary. The book tries to support that friendship and love is more important than anything and that is the theme of the book Ringside 1925.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of T4 is to never give up on life no matter how hard it gets beacuse the ones that love you, will keep you safe. I think that this theme is perfect for T4 because at 13 years of age Paula, who was deaf, was forced to be away from her family and hide from Adof Hitler and the Natzi's. Paula never gave up even at the worst of times, pg. 51, Paula was the only girl at the shelter spending the entire time by herself. Things only had one direction to go and that was up for Paula. After befriending a young man at the shelter, Paula and "Poor Kurt" ran away from the shelter together to try to find a better place. Paula and Kurt eventually came back to the shelter. Later they were able to go home to be with Paula's family because they trusted Father Josef and Father Michael to keep them safe. In the end trusting the ones that loved her kept Paula safe and alive. That is why I think the theme of trusting those that love you is perfect for T4.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Tricks by Ellen Hopkins is that the entire rest of your life can be deeply effected by the decisions you make and also in the worst of situations, teenagers need parents to be there to help them. I believe this is the theme because this book follows the lives of 5 teenagers and each one gives up their purity and ultimately destroys themselves for a different reason while their parents don't understand them or simply weren't ready to be parents themselves.A definite hint towards this theme is when the author says, "Circumstances create our conception, how we live, what kind of person we manage to grow into. Another day, a different hour, take a left and not a right, you'd wind up a whole different being..." This describes exactly what happens to the teens. Because of certain decisions they make, they pretty much all end up on the streets of Las Vegas with no future and the see no way to earn a living accept for what they have recently been introduced to but still don't fully understand... Selling themselves. For example, one of the teens; Seth, is gay but he knows his father will never accept him for who he is. So then he seeks acceptance elsewhere and winds up with a boyfriend named Loren. Loren basically uses Seth's body for a few months and then tells him he is moving to New York. Seth is crushed and doesn't know where to go and ends up coming out of the closet to his father who is a solid christian. Like Seth had predicted, his father, the only person who he had left could never accept him for who he was. His Father basically disowned him right there and wouldn't even hug him. He gives Seth $40 and tells him to pack his bags and leave. Seth is in a very fragile state and has no way to sustain himself. Seth's decision that destroys his life is that in return for food and shelter he gives his body to this man and moves with him to vegas. Seth leaves the man in Vegas and knows his father will never love him again and he is lost and broken. This is why I think the author was trying to say that in the midst of horrible and confused times teens need their Parents most, out of anyone, or they could make one wrong decision and ruin themselves.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of the book Kaleidoscope Eyes is to not look down on things when times are rough. Keep your head up and keep on going. In the beginning of the book the main character Lyza is very depressed and wants to almost die because her mother has left and has not come back for almost 3 years and Lyza is contemplating just forgetting about it and moving on. There has been a lot of deaths in her family these past few years including her Grandpa and her Mother hasn't been to any of the funerals. Later on she discovers a package her Grandpa had left her saying "FOR LYZA ONLY" in a box. She soon finds it's a hidden treasure map of something her Grandpa was looking into while sailing. She goes on this hunt and finds a lot of hidden secrets about her Grandpa she never knew.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of my novel, Summerhouse Time, is to live and love life while your young. Also, don't waste your time being sad or worrying. For example, a character in the book, Colleen, wastes precious time with her family by worrying about what she should do because she stole 1 bag of licorce from the supermarket. I understand this is a reasonable topic to worry about, but find a solution and move on.(or maybe don't do that in the first place) Another example is when the main character, Sophie, lost her cat because it ran away. I understand that she is sad, but rather than going out and looking for it with her family, she moped around the house and was mad at everyone for no reason. Those are the reasons that the theme is what it is from my poetry novel, Summerhouse Time.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of I Heart You, You Haunt Me is that when someones gone, you have to move on, there will always be memories to look back on. In this book, Jackson(Ava's boyfriend) dies and Ava is devastated. She can't sleep and when she thinks he is gone for good. He comes back, not alive but as a ghost. At first she's really confused. Jackson starts to visit Ava, he can't talk, he can only send messages. Once he wrote a message on her mirror with her lipstick. She can feel him when she gets the chills. Ava never wants to leave home and always wants to sleep. Jackson visits her in her sleep and he is like a real person in her sleep. Ava starts to realize that she can't do this anymore. Ava visited a beach where she met a cute boy named Lyric. She realizes that she needs a boy, a real boy. Ava tells Jackson how she feels and he tells her that he understands and needs her to not regret anything. When she lets go, she believes that there is no more weight on her shoulders and can now start on a new page.
ReplyDeleteThe theme in Shakespeare bats clean up is i believe is give everything a chance.In the beginning he could never imagine himself writing poems. By the end of the book he thinks poetry is almost as cool as Baseball. By writing poems he is able to express himself and his feelings. His mother dies and he is able to channel that sadness and loneliness into poetry. Mira his girlfriend helps him out by going back into the world after being inside and lonely for awhile.This is why i believe "give everything a chance" is the theme of this story.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the theme of my poetry novel, By the River, is that you should let go of the past and move on. Also to focus on the future. In the novel, Harry's mom passes away and he finds ways to move on and live life to its fullest. He does this by going on adventures with his brother, Kieth. Also by making new friends and enjoying Pearce Swamp. His Dad has not moved on from the death yet and has not made it far in life. He sits in his chair at night and imagines his wife still alive and with him. This book is about all of them moving on and getting by the best they can. Harry's mom was not the only one he has lost. He also lost his best friend, Linda. She got taken by an awful flood and was found floating in a river. This is the theme of, By the River and some examples of the theme from the book.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of 42 miles is nobodys perfect. In 42 miles Joellen is torn between her mom and her dad after there divorce. Her mom lives in the city and her dad in the country. Joellen knows shes not perfect. But she thinks her parents are, and expect her too be to. Throughout the book she begins too realize that her parents are human and do make mistakes just like everybody else.
ReplyDeleteIn my book "Hate That Cat" a boy says he hates cats. He never had one on one experience with a cat,he just thinks dogs are better. He bases his experiences on a neighborhood black cat. One day He's outside with his father and he's staring at this cat and his father ask him him does he like and he says "Yes". Christmas day comes around and there's a box with holes in it and inside is an kitten. hes excited. later in the story he grows to love this cat. I think the theme of the soy is don't say you don't like something until you actually had an personal experience with it.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Running With Trains by Michael J. Roden is to stay strong and have faith in yourself even when you think its impossible because you never know who's experiencing the same thing. In Running With Trains it's from the perspective of two different people. Perry and Steve. Perry's dad left him when he was young and his sister is off at college and never calls or writes. Perry spends almost everyday on a train and writes his siser every single day hoping to get a response. Steve has a hard life pretty much taking care of himself. He lives with his parents on a farm but has to do most of the work with the cows. Eventually during the story Perry and Steve meet because the train Perry is on has to stop because Steve's cows got out.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of 42 Miles is that if you try hard enough in the end you can achieve what ever you dream of. The girl in this book wants to just have one name to be called by from everyone,not two different names at her mom and dads houses. When she's with her dad her name is Joey, and when shes with her mom it's Ellen. People never call her by her real name JoEllen but she wants to be called that, so in the end she wishes that people would just call her by her real name and she gets what she wants.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of After the Kiss by Terra Elan McVoy is that you need to appreciate things when you have them because they could disappear in a moment. Camielle is the new girl in town who has experienced heartbreak in the past and is weary of making new friends. Becca is in love with Alec, the poetic jock, and has no doubt in her mind that they will last forever. But when Camielle kisses Alec with no intention of hurting Becca, Becca's life spirals out of control. Add to the mix one desperate boyfriend from Chicago writing to her, Camielle starts feeling helpless and isn't sure what to think. In the very end of the novel, both girls realize that they should've been grateful for their boyfriends and worked harder to keep them in their lives.
ReplyDeleteI think that the theme of WIcked Girls is not to lie. Lying can get you into a lot of trouble. It can then cause you to have to lie more and more. In this story, a group of girls accuse people of being witches. This story is baced on the Salem Witch Trials. They pretend to be afflicted and tormented by people among their town. They often name the people that have afflicted them to be people that are disliked. Many people are blamed to have done terrible things to these girls. When they accuse a witch, they have to find some way to have proof. The girls of Salem have to lie more and more. This story also includes a scandaless love story between Isacc and Margaret. Lying can cause many rumors, and can get you into a heap of trouble.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies is no matter how hard things can get everything will eventually end up working out. I believe this is the theme because the whole book is based around Ruby's mom dying and her having to move across the country to live with her selfish father. Along the way Ruby's boyfriend dumps her for her best friend and her aunt is going on a six month expedition with her boyfriend and can't be reached. Ruby then is in a place where she absolutely hates her life. When something truly incredible happens the truth starts to unravel about her parents relationship and everything starts making sense. Ruby finds her father will always be there and never leave and everything isn't as bad as they seem.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Orchards by Holly Thompson to me would be that no matter what you know, your words can mean something to someone. You never know what someone can be going through and thoughtless things said to them can hurt. In this case, cause a girl to kill herself. The little things add up. So I think it's trying to show that we should add up positive things in people's minds. Not negative.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of out of the Dust is life is hard sometimes and it always can get harder, yet nothing will really change if you dont change first. It doesnt matter how hard the circumstances, you can always help yourself by keeping hold of your true self. You also need to remember to keep good morals and to always remember that all is never lost. When Karens Mother died and she took blame upon herself she needed desperatly too remember these things, and even though she ran away for a little while she is still loved.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Hidden by Helen Frost is to never judge people based on their appearances, because you don't know who they really are or what they've gone through. When Wren was accidentally kidnapped by Darra's dad, Darra decides to help Wren escape their garage without letting her parents know. Wren eventually got out after two days, but without Darra's help. When the girls end up going to the same summer camp six years later they only know half of the story of how Wren got out of Darra's garage. Darra was convinced that Wren showed the police where her family's house was and helped them take her dad away. After that Darra's life was never the same, and her and her mom never had a lot of money. Wren wasn't sure if after all that time, Darra was trying to help her escape, or if she was oblivious of Wren being in their garage. At the camp the two become friends, even when some of the other girls make fun of Darra because her mom has a rusty car and her clothes aren't as nice. Darra come to learn that Wren didn't lead the police to Darra's house. Wren learns that Darra really was trying to help Wren escape. The two stay friends throughout the rest of camp. That is why I think that even though Darra didn't have as nice of things as the other girls did, and both of the girls didn't really know how the other felt about the other, they became friends anyway.
ReplyDeleteWhat I think the theme is in "The Wild Book" is that if you try hard enough at somthing it will pay off in the future. In the book, Fefa has dyslexia and has a hard time reading and writing. Fefa's mom gives her a diary and tells here to write in it nomatter how hard it is. Fefa writes in her diary every day and over time she noices herself getting better. In the end Fefa uses her reading to save her familys farm from badits.
ReplyDeleteI think the theme of heartbeat is to be patient, and to think of others. I think is the theme because in the story, they are assigned to draw apples. They have to draw one apple a day for one hundred days. Some kids hurried and drew their apple very quickly just to get it out of the way, but not Annie. She studied her apple and really took the time to put her best effort in to her work. Also I think the theme is to think of others, and not just yourself. I think this the theme because in the book Max, Annies friend, really needs a pair of running shoes for the track team.
ReplyDeleteAnnie has been saving up for these really nice coloring pencils and paper for her drawing, instead of buying her supplies she slips the money into Maxes locker for his running shoes. In the end Annie never told Max what she did, but there hanging in her locker were the coloring pencils and paper she wanted.
I think the theme of All the Broken Pieces is accept peoples differences and remember where you came from. I think this because in the story Matt is from Vietnam so he is bullied and teased by others. Matt also is a very good baseball player with an incredible arm. In the story Matt is scared the he might get put in a foster home.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of this book is Never give up. Even when it seams like everything is crashing down around you, you can always think of something that you have that is good. Her arm was gone and she had to relearn how to do things, but atleast she was alive and with her family.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of Shakespeare Bats Cleanup is trying to pull yourself back together after being messed up for so long. He had mono for months then he was forced to go back to school and try to be normal again.