Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Simile and Metaphor

Please post an example of a simile from your poetry novel. Also explain, in a sentence, the two items that are being compared. Include the page number.

Please post an example of a metaphor from your poetry novel. Also explain, in a sentence, the two items that are being compared. Include the page number.


  1. Simile:
    "We're lounging in my room like slugs," (Kearney 18)

  2. "...trapped like a bee in a jar" Brown 4. Her mother is very frustrated and is pacing the room. She paces the room in a manner almost like a bee flying inside of a jar.

    "Mom says he's a rock" Brown 22. Her Mother is about to leave and tells Rachel that her father is a rock. What she means is that she can always count on her father like you can count on a rock for stability.

    "The Weight of Water"
    "And I rehearse what I say/Like lines for a play/Before opening my mouth" (Crossan 6). When Kasienka and her mother are becoming official citizens of England, they prepare their answers in English. This is nerve-racking for Kasienka because she doesn't know the language well.

    "The sky a gray blanket/And rain threatens to drench us" (Crossan 7). England is pretty well known for their low clouds and generally murky weather. When Kasienka first steps into England, she notices the clouds and how dreary it makes the place look.

  4. "An excuse is like trying to patch an amputated arm with a Band-Aid" (Fehler 6). This is an example of a simile. The 2 things being compared are a flimsy excuse to/and patching up an amputated arm with a Band-Aid.

    "...'cause he's a wizard with the mitt" (Fehler 7). This is an example of a metaphor. The 2 things being compared here are how good he is a catching to/and "being a wizard",

  5. Simile: "We snored like buzz saws or a hornets' nest" (LeZotte 5)
    The two items being compared are snoring and buzz saws or hornets' nests.

    Metaphor: "Some people said she was a witch" (LeZotte 13)
    The two items being compared are Old Marthe, a lady who gave remedies in attempt to cure the sick, and a witch.

  6. Aunt Alice cutting, swift as an executioner. this simile is saying that Aunt Alice was cutting very fast. Aunt Alice and here she is, a day early with the look of a rabbit caught in the spotlight. The metaphor says that Aunt Alice is terrified of something, like how a rabbit is when it gets caught in the spotlight.

  7. Simile- "She's white as a snowball but she's warm not frozen" (Roth 57). The 2 things being compared are the cat and a snowball.
    Metaphor- "She gazes with such innocence- a baby with one blue and one green eye" (Roth 68). The 2 things being compared are the cat and a baby.

  8. May B.
    simile: "Around me it's as clear as midday" (Rose 91). The two items being compared are the brightness of the room and midday light. The author is saying that the room is very bright.

    metaphor: "the constant pound of quiet" (Rose 101). The two items being compared are quiet and sound. The author is saying that sometimes quiet can be as deafening as a loud noise.

  9. In I heart you, You haunt me, an example of a simile is on page 16, "its like I was a l garden salad with a light vinaigrette, and Jackson was a platter of seafood Cajun pasta." It is comparing her self and Jackson to food that go well together.
    -Jessi Davis

  10. He was like a lion.
    He was her night in shining armor.

  11. An example of a metaphore in I heart you, you haunt me,is "when my room heats up the ice in the igloo starts to melt." on pg 93. it is comparing her room to a cold igloo.
    Jessi d.

  12. In Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs the author uses this simile; On page 55 the author uses the simile He's eating a burrito wrapped in tinfoil and he waves it around like a baton. In this simile the author is comparing the burrito a baton.
    In Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs this metaphor is used; On page 25 the author uses the metaphor Sadness is a big dark bus with a schedule of it’s own. The author is comparing sadness to a big dark bus.

  13. Simile: “Mr. Griffin says he has instincts: ‘like a bloodhound...’ “(Bryant 16)
    When Katie is describing Uncle Jeff the editor of the Democrat, Mr Griffin, say that he has instincts like a bloodhound. This means that Mr Griffin thinks that Katies uncle is a good reporter because he is able to find information for a story the way a bloodhound finds its prey.

    Metaphor: “A lone island sitting in a floating sea” (Bryant 60)
    Katie sees Mr. Lindbergh enter the courtroom his is still and quiet in the crowded rowdy courtroom of reporters. By comparing him to an island the author is trying to say how he sticks out in the crowd of movement, a lone still figure like an island.


  14. The simile I found in The Day Before was “Sleep lures you like a stranger with a piece of candy” (Schroeder 1). This simile is saying that it is very hard not to go back to sleep. It compares sleep to a stranger with a piece of candy.
    The metaphor I found in the novel was “She is my sunshine” (Schroeder 57). This metaphor means that the little girl makes the woman happy, and that she is the center of the woman’s world. It compares the little girl and the sun.

  15. “next day I pierce my eyebrow, streak my choppy brown hair lipstick red and black as coal” (Darrow 30). This simile compares the color of her hair to the color of coal.
    Metaphor: “his headstone, a mountain” (Darrow 114) This metaphor compares the size of a mountain to the size of her brother”s headstone


  16. Simile- “What has held me close these years is that our relationship is as intense as the last minute of any close contested (basketball) game” (Glenn 47).

    In this simile, Mary is comparing her and Greg’s relationship to the feelings created by the end of a close basketball game.

    Metaphor- “Basketball is a never-boring mini drama, with its final outcome unscripted” (Glenn 46).

    In this metaphor, the game of basketball is being compared to a dramatic show because both are very suspenseful and unpredictable.

  17. Street love
    Simile: "She's as strong as she is long" (Myers 34) Damien is basically saying Junice is very tough on the inside because Junice is tall so she would be tough if she has as much "strength" (not physically) as compared to her height.
    Metaphor: "She is the only rose that doesn't smell of plastic" (Myers 34) Damien sees the Junice isn't "fake" she looks and "smells like a real rose" so basically she is beautiful because he sees she is a "real" girl not fake like some other girls.

  18. Kaleidoscope Eyes. "The next minute is three minutes long" (Bryant 99) She is saying the though only one minute had passed, it felt as though it were three hours. "Malcolm waved his arms like a willow in a storm" (Bryant 99) She was saying that Malcolm was flailing his arms around the same way a willow would do in a storm.

  19. Simile- “She banged face-first into a stack of creamed corn like a bad cartoon collision” (page 76). The crash between the little girl and the corn, was a lot like a crash you see in a cartoon.

    Metaphor- “Some days her hair was lizard belly green…” (page 3). Sue’s hair was the color of a lizards belly.

  20. Metaphor: " ... trapped by exalted dragons" (Hesse,70). The two items being compared are the klan members and exalted dragons.
    Simile: "... and the smaller tents did look like spiderwebs traced in raindrops" (Hesse,85) The two items being compared are the small tents and spider webs laced with raindrops.

  21. Simile- When I wake up with my sheets soaked and sticking to me like bandages. Pg. 49. This is comparing her soaked sheets to bandages.
    Metaphor- I close my eyes and let the rain pelt my face. Back and forth. I'm glad for the rain. Back and forth. It's good camouflage. Pg. 172. This is comparing rain to camouflage.

  22. The simile I found in my book is "...her eyelids draping like curtains"(Wolff 122). The two things being compared in this simile are, the girl's eyelids closing and the draping of curtains. The metaphor I found in this book is, "...You are a nightmare!"(Wolff 336) This example compares LaVaughn to a nightmare.

  23. "Home work is a completely required thing like a vaccination."(Wolff 4) She compares the fact that she has to do home work like you have to get a vaccine.

  24. Metaphor: "There's a new model tonight--- a milk-skinned goth with more piercings than a pincushion," Simile: "...and a shiny snake of pink-and-black-striped braid, swirling down her back like a question mark," (Sones 215)

  25. Charles with an arm as dead as an old fish. It's comparing Charles' arm to an old fish. Page 19

    To keep the rain out they coat the canvas with paraffin and gasoline, laid on good and thick with stiff brooms. Oh, that waterproofs it all right- been doing it that way for years- but what does it give you? One huge candle just waiting for a light. The tent was being compared to a huge candle waiting to be lit. Page 53


  26. “Like I’m this overfilled water balloon

    That’s getting ready to blow…” (Sones 86).

    This simile is comparing Ruby’s emotions to a water balloon.

    “She wasted away into a toothpick” (Sones 6)

    This metaphor is comparing her mother’s physical state to a toothpick.

  27. Simile
    "I dream of cornfields... and a view of green wilderness stretching,
    like time" (Engle 50) Wildernesses vastness is being compaired to never ending time.

    "I march beside an army of land crabs" (Engle 125) The army of men is being compaired to to a large amount of crabs stuck on land.

  28. "They were cheering him on as if he had just won an olympic gold medal" (Frost 127). This compares the loudness and ferocity of his cheering friends to the cheers you would receive if you won an olympic gold medal.

    "And how Bilbo helped Wren Abbot steal my dad" (Frost 48). This compares the fact that Bilbo was caught chewing one of Wren's shoes to the pile of evidence that put Darra's dad in prison.

  29. " I said that when you play, your fingers are quick. They run like the mice run in the barn" (Ostlere 66). Maya is talking about how when her mom plays the piano, her fingers are quick and all over the keyboard. Its comparing it to mice scurrying all over the barn.

    "Knives of heat pierce the white air" (Ostlere 160). Maya was accused of letting a man of different religion onto the train, and everybody was kinda fighting and getting upset with her. The "knives of heat" I like to think is the anger from the other passengers mixing with tension in the cold air of the night.

  30. "We're lounging in my room like slugs," (Kearney 18)
    The author is comparing the way the the girls are lounging around in her room, to the laziness or slugs.

  31. An example of a simile in 42 Miles would be when JoEllen and her mom were driving to JoEllen's dad's house. "On the drive to the farm quiet falls like the darkness the closer we get to Dad" (Zimmer 8). JoEllen was saying that as it got darker and darker it was quiet on the drive to her dads.

    An example of a metaphor in 42 Miles would be when JoEllen was explaing what the apple trees at the farm looked like. "Ever since Hayden and I were little, when the apple trees put on their white veils in April and tossed handfuls of confetti in celebration of spring..." (Zimmer 38). JoEllen was explaining that in the Spring when there were white flowers on the apple trees and some of the flowers were flying off it looked like the apple trees were throwing confetti.

  32. feeling like ive just been scentenced to jail
    her clothes and jail

    turn myself into a human pretzel
    page 19
    her body and pretzel

  33. Simile: “the way the crayons feel slippery in my hands and the way the pile of them on the table looks like a broken-up rainbow (Mass 69). She’s comparing the crayons on the table to a broken rainbow. Tessa is basically saying that there are a lot of different colors of crayons on the table.
    Metaphor: “the roller coaster of emotions that have been floating around me are making me feel nauseous” (Mass29). She’s comparing her emotions to a roller coaster saying there up and down and basically going out of control.


  34. Metaphor: “I’m the glue, the one that always holds the group together, smoothing over bumps and offenses”. (Binham 46) It shows how Jane feels about her group of friends, and that she is comparing herself to glue, because if she wasn’t there. The group friendship would fall apart.


  35. Simile: “These are my questions, running like hamsters on wheels”. (Bingham 8) .She was comparing the thoughts running through her head, to a hamster on his wheel. She was thinking of what she was going to do with her life without her arm. Why the shark attacked her. What she was going to do without being able to draw, etc.

  36. Simile:"Hearing Jeff talk about me is like floating underwater"(Burg 153) This is comparing Jeffs voice to being clear but far off like you would hear something thats heard underewater.

    Metaphor: "My Vietnam is only a pocketful of broken pieces I carry inside of me"(Burg 23) This compares his memorys of Vietnam to a place of sorrow.

  37. Simile: "...the water with the geese drifting like slow white ghosts among the lilies." pg.16. The simile is comparing the geese to how they walk around the field of lilies.
    Metaphor: "... when I had that rabbit kicking around my insides." pg. 26. The metaphor is comparing Georgia to how badly her stomach hurts at that particular moment.

  38. Simile: Her voice is soft, like warm honey (Burg 11). The two things that are being compared are her voice and warm honey.

    Metaphor: My father has chestnut-colored eyes and short brown hair that is starting to wear away in the front (Burg 13). The two things that are being compared here are the color of chestnuts and his fathers eyes.

  39. simile: “I was trying to sketch the old ice house and the water with the geese drifting like white ghost in the lilies” (Bryant 16). In this sentence Georgia is comparing the image she is trying to create to ghost floating around in a field (patch) of lilies.
    metaphor: “Seeing her then made me think of Ella and how, sometimes, she walks slow and pulls back on the rope when Mr. Fitz takes her from the field and into the riding ring for training” (Bryant 51). Georgia is comparing her friend Tiffany to the horse at the near by ranch

  40. A simile i found from shark girl is "Lindsey,my nurse, carries in the days stack of white envelopes, with one red one, like a spot of blood." Pg. 13
    This is a simile because it compares a red letter to a spot of blood.

    "the skin is gone. Streched tight, glove squashing tight over the tender bones." Pg. 33
    This is a metaphor because it compares her shin to a glove without using like or as.
