Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Book Thief - Discussion Question #4

Do Max and Liesel end up together?


  1. Fortunetely, Max and Liesel end up together. After Liesels neighborhood was bombed and burned she went to live with Ilse Herman. In her spare time, since Rudy was no longer alive, she would work in Alex Steiner's tailor shop for to keep the two of them entertained. One day, Max walked in the shop asking for Liesel. It was here that they were reunited. Thankfully, Liesel finnally had a shoulder to cry on.

  2. I think Max and Liesel end up together because in the book it says, "Liesel came out. They hugged and cried and fell to the floor." To me that made it sound like they were close. I mean they were close during the whole entire book because they had so many things in common, but this just made it seem like they were going to end up together. Also, when Death said that Liesel died, she had a husband and you can sort of infer that her husband would be Max.

  3. Yes, Max and Liesel do end up together. I know this because the second to last chapter is titled Max. She is staying at the Hubermanns, and a man comes in and asks for Liesel. It already said that Papa (Hans Hermann), Rudy, and her brother had died. Also, Liesel's real dad was never mentioned, so you are left to belive that he is dead. The only other man that is a main character is Max, so you are led to belive that it is Max that comes to the Hubermann's house asking for Liesel.

  4. Yes, and this was a huge surprise for me. I always just assumed that Max was going to die in a concentration camp. I was totally taken aback when Max showed up to adopt Liesel. I was happy that Max survived the Holocaust and came back for her. I really thought that Liesel was going to live with the mayor's wife Ilsa. I thought that the author did a really nice job ending the book. Some books end vaguely or too abruptly, but I thought that Max returning to Liesel was the perfect way to wrap up the book. I wish that Liesel and Rudy would've ended up together too though because I think that really would've been the happiest ending.

  5. If you mean romantically, I don't think they would end up together. They've been through a lot of hardships throughout the war and I think that they wouldn't want to run the risk of them splitting up. In other words, they're too good of friends to want to endanger it. If you just mean together as in "staying in contact" I think they will because of all the experiences they have had together. Surely after being reunited they would want to stay in touch with eachother.

  6. Yes the two do end up together in the end. It was the only thing that brought me happiness in the end of the book. I new that in the end that the the word shaker and the feather haired man had to end up together. Now I can feel that the end may have been sad but it at least brings me comfort to know that Lesial and Max ended up together.

  7. No, I don't think Max and Liesel end up together. I don't think they do because Max is way too old for her, and I think the love they share is not romantic, but something unique. I think the author doesn't tell us who her husband is so we can finish the stories for ourselves. The romantics of us will of course say yes, they end up together, but others will say no, they don't. I'm not a big fan of "fairy tale endings", so that may be why I say no, but I just don't think a romantic relationship would work out for them.

  8. This depends on what you mean by "together". In my personal opinion, they do end up together in the sense that they see each other again. While the book says that Liesel marries someone, I do not think it means she marries Max. However, I do happen to believe that they remain friends for as long as they know each other. A reason I think they don't end up truly "together" is the fact that Max is over ten years older than Liesel. I mean, quite honestly, wouldn't that be just a touch awkward? Also, even though the persecution of the Jews ended it was still seen as Taboo, (even in other countries) for non-Jews to marry Jewish people, or vice versa. My theory is that Liesel moved somewhere else and probably married someone like Rudy, Hans, or Max, while never forgetting the special connections she had with them.

  9. Max and Liesel do end up together in the end. Because somewhere in the middle Max was seperated from Liesel and a short time later forced to go to a concentration camp. But after Liesels street was bombed she stared helping out Alex in his shop. After a while the Americans let Max go and he found Liesel and they kind of reunited.

  10. I think Max and Liesel do end up together. There are a few reasons why I believe this. For one, it is obvious that they love each other. Also, Liesel met up with Max after he was liberated, which means that chances are, Max might have lived with Liesel. I think that they would have eventually fallen in love and finally married each other.

  11. Max and Liesel do end up together. In the end of the novel, we are told that Max walks into Mr. Steiner's shop asking for Liesel. Liesel walks out, and they "hugged and cried and fell to the floor". I believe that Liesel and Max go on to be friends and stay together since they found each other in the end.

  12. Max and Liesel both survive. Max was invovled in the war, and surprisingly he came out of all of it, alive. Liesel truely loved Rudy. I can tell this because whenever she found his body after the bombing, Liesel gave him the kiss that he had been always asking for.

  13. No, Max and Liesel do not end up together. Max is Jewish and he died. Liesel was the only person to survive the last bombing, that caused everyone to die. I was hoping that Max would end up with her, but thats not how it turned out.

  14. Yes, Max and Liesel do end up together. After everything that they have both gone through, they do meet again. Once the war was finished, and the bombings were done, Max and Liesel met up in Alex Steiner's tailor shop.
    Max had saved Liesel’s life in more ways than he would ever know. And Liesel did the same, too, by just being herself.
    Max saved Liesel by words, by his book. He gave her inspiration to write in the book she was given by Ilse Hermann, which was why she was even in the basement in the first place. If Liesel had not been in the basement that night, she would not be alive, nor would Rudy receive a kiss, even if he was dead.
    Liesel gave Max a reason to wake up in the morning. She gave him something to look forward to. By just being herself, Liesel caused a man who was without hope, into a man that had something to smile at.
    They were each other’s support system throughout the war. Even when they no longer lived together, they were always worrying about one another. Maybe that’s what got them through it all: having something to make sure is alive. Without each other, who knows if they’d survive the war or not.

  15. Yes, Max and Liesel end up together. At the end of the book, it tells you that Max went to Alex Steiner's shop looking for Liesel and that she ran into his arms. He probably shouldn't have survived the war, but by some odd twist of fate, he did.

  16. yes in the end of the book Max comes back and they live together.
