Papa's advice, "One more hour. . . Try to stay alive for one more hour...." first appears on page 20 and runs through the book like the refrain of a song. What does this statement imply about the preciousness of life? In what other passages does the book convey a sense of life's beauty and goodness, even in dark hours, which makes it worth fighting for?
What does the statement imply about life? It implies that not every given second, minute or hour is promise to you. What that means is that you shouldn't plan your life out. Just let it happen, I'm not saiding you can't make plans for your future. Of course you can I am. Your only a child once, so live it while you can. Always remember age is just a number. Don't let anyone tell you can't do something because of your age. Just make sure it's legal though. That is what I think that statement implies about life. Another passage from the book that coveys a sense of life. Is when Eva is reading her dad's psalm book. One of the passages she read was about how her father was trap and couldn't find a way out. There are a lot of people in this world today that feels the same way. I know life can become very hard and you start to feel like you are not going to make it. Just stop and tell your self that you can do it and God will be there for you every step of the way. He will not let your foot give away. Just remember God doesn't put you through things that he knows that your not strong enough for. In the passage she was reading about what her father wrote saiding that "He look to his right. No friend at my side, No one comes to rescue me." What I think that means is that even though everyone that you love has left you. Don't give up just keep pushing and you will make it. Yes, I do believe that even in the darkest hours of your life. That you should still fight for your life. Like in the passage on page 20. How Papa was telling Eva "To not give up just got to keep pushing and you will make it" After reading this book I learn that you must believe in your self even when nobody else does. At the end of the day ask your self this "What did I learn today?"
ReplyDeleteThis statement implys that something could happen at any moment and you may not live to see what happens next, so you should cherish every moment that you get. On page 89 it says, " Do you think I have that much power?" Dr. Sokolow asked with a wry smile. "The order came from Frau Hawlik." This is the part of the book where Rachel is sick with the nettles and needs a couple of days off from work; but the SS officers won't let you stay in the infirmary that long so because Eva made Frau Hawlik candy and is crochetting a rug for her she said that Rachel could stay in the barracks till she is better. This is another passage where the book conveys a sense of life's beauty and goodness. If Frau Hawlick wouldn't have given that order Rachel would have most likely been killed because she wasn't well enough to work.
ReplyDeleteI believe Papa's advice is besically just saying that you shouldn't give up. Live your life the fullest, dont hold back. The phrase is just a reactment on Perserverence. I mean i bet Eva feels pretty bad that her sister got sick because they took showers in the sicks at work, and appartently she's allergic to thread. To make life worth fighting for to me, would be for me to remember that i have people at home that love me. I have people at home that rely and miss my every breath, because im not by there side. I feel perserverence is deefinalty a role in my life.
ReplyDeleteI think the statement "One more hour...Try to stay alive one more hour..." means you might be down in the dumps but if you stay a live one more hour maybe life will be a little brighter. I think it means this because every hour they fight to stay alive news of the war keeps getting better and better. Other times in the book life is showin in a good way is when Rachel gives Eva an apple for a sweet year it shows that life can be sweet and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThat statement implyes that life is so important do anything to stay alive. The other part of the book that implyes ife beuty even in dark times is when it was the day in the factory where they cleaned there machines all day. In that part she reading in a prayer book and relises that there dad might be dead, she didn't know hw much it would hurt until it happened to her and her sister.
ReplyDeleteIt means life is to short to waste. Live it to the fullest. Fight for your life even if you know its hard youll make it through.