Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Book Thief - Discussion Question #1

Who was your favorite character and why?


  1. My favorite character was Rudy. I say this because he cared a lot for others. When Liesel lost her book in the Amper River, he went in the deathly cold water to bring it back to her. A second reason he is my favorite is because he is very flirty and romantic. He spends his time daily asking Liesel for a kiss. He is truley inlove with her!!

  2. My favorite character in this book is Rudy. He is my favorite because he just has a great heart, even when he is handed a lot of bad things in life. He lives in Nazi Germany, when he and his family do not support the Nazi beliefs, he barely has enough food to eat, and his father is taken away from him to war. He still makes the best of things, though, by finding small ways to fight back. He also never gives up on Liesel, even when she isn't such a loveable person. Even when she seems like a closed off, dumb, shy girl, he is her friend, and gets to know what a great person she really is. He may have made some bad choices in the book, but over all, Rudy is my favorite character because of his perseverance and his love for Liesel.

  3. I think that my favorite character is Hans Huberman. I think this because he treats everybody with respect, and he dosn't go with the flow. Hans dosn't like the Nazi party. One example from the book to support this answer is "His father had been called -Der Juden Maler- the Jew painter for painting Jewish houses" This supports the idea of how Hans dosn't go with the flow. Another example from the text to support my answer is "A Jew had once saved his life and he couldn't froget that. He couldn't join a party that atagonized people in such a way." This supports that Hans dosn't like the Nazi party.

  4. Rudy Steiner is definitely my favorite character. I like him because he has the relationship with Liesel where it's a love hate thing. I say this because he calls Liesel a Saukrel, but at the same he asks her for a kiss everytime he does something nice for her. She of course never gives him a kiss. Also, I like how he doesn't just go along with what he is told. In Hitler Youth he rebels against some things and sticks up for Tommy who has a hearing problem even though they end up having to run a lot. Also, Rudy admires Jesse Owens, the runner, even though he is black and Rudy is told that isn't ok. Those are a few reasons why Rudy is my favorite.

  5. My favorite character was Rudy. Rudy was persistent, determined, helpful, and kind. Whenever things got tough, he just stuck through the problem. When there was something he didn't think was right and didn't want to participate in, he didn't do it. He knew what he wanted and knew how to get it. Rudy didn't let anybody bully him into something he didn't want to do. Rudy always stood up for himself. Although he can be mean at times, Rudy is still very loving and caring. Rudy is the type of friend anybody would want. Rudy could stand his own ground and would stand up for his friends, no matter what.

  6. My favorite character in The Book Thief was Rudy Steiner. I think I like him so much because I can relate to his personality. He wants to be the best at everything he does and never gives up if he wants something really bad. Also, he sticks up for the people he cares about. Like when some of the bully thief guys was picking on Liesel, Rudy tried to stop it, and then got in a freezing cold river to get Liesel's book when the guy threw it in the water. I like how Rudy thinks that everyone should be treated equally and fair.

  7. My favorite charcter is Hans hubermann. He is my favorite because he is such a nice caring person. Hans always helps leisel with her problems and he helps max. Hans is a very considerate person especially since hebfeela hitler is doing a bad thing to the Jews.

  8. My favorite characters in The Book Thief would have to be Rudy and Papa. Rudy is just so nice, and he loves Liesel even though she has been rude to him and said that she didn't love him back. He just seems like an obnoxious cute little boy who knows what he wants and who he likes. I also like Papa. He cares so much about Liesel. I know this because he will get up at 2:00 in the morning just to calm her from her nightmares and let her know that she isn't alone. Also he won't ever let her know that he is tired. When she want's him to read to her, he will, even if he hasn't gotten hardly any sleep and just came back from work. This is why Rudy and Papa are my favorite characters.

  9. My favorite character was Rudy because he was funny, adventurous, and daring. I thought it was very bold of him to cover his body in coal and run on the track like Jesse Owens. I thought it was funny how he and Liesel always called each other names in German. I also liked that Rudy was so courageous when it came to things like standing up for the boy with bad hearing during Hitler Youth or helping Liesel steal books. My favorite thing that Rudy did though, was asking Liesel for a kiss. Even in the most serious times, Rudy would always say, "How 'bout a kiss?" I thought his pathetic attempts were sweet and funny. If I had been living during the Holocaust, I would've definitely want to have a friend like Rudy to make me laugh even on the worst days. Rudy brought a feeling of lightheartedness and humor to an otherwise sad, serious book. That is why Rudy was my favorite character.

  10. Rudy Steiner is my favorite character. He is my favorite character because of his humor and personality. When reading the book, everytime it talks about him it talks about him being ornery, selfish, cruel, and funny which makes him a hilarious character. The whole episode of him and Deutscher is the most interesting to read about because of all the things Rudy does. It just makes me laugh.

  11. My favorite character was probably Rudy because he gave Liesel someone to talk to and relate to throughout the book, and because he was a interesting character. If Rudy had not been there, who would Liesel have gone stealing with? Who would she pout or celebrate with after events at home and around town? This story would have had much less depth had Rudy not been a part of it.

  12. My favorite character in The Book Thief would have to be Rudy. He is so nice and sweet and willing to work hard for what he believes in and he's just plain funny. He really wants a kiss from Liesel and even jumps into a freezing lake to rescue a book for her. I think that that is very courageous and that Liesel should've kissed him. Yes, just because a guy asks you to kiss him doesn't mean that you should; but when a guy goes to that much trouble for you, you know that he really likes you. That's why my favorite character is Rudy and I totally don't like what happens to him in the end of the book; it's so sad. :(

  13. My favorite character was definitely Liesel's foster father, Hans(I'm sorry if I incorrectly spell their names Mrs. Griffin-I don't have the book with me). He is extremely kind and caring for Liesel. I know this because Hans traded his cigarettes for books for Liesel. Hans loved his cigarettes and they were pretty much the only luxury he allowed himself. Another reason I think he is a good, kind man is that when Liesel would wake up screaming from nightmares in the middle of the night, he would come in and help calm her down. He stayed up late each night helping her learn to read too! You know he had to be tired, yet he did it anyway for Liesel. Once when Liesel wet the bed from a nightmare he didn't even say anything, just helped her clean it up. To me, that is a very kind and caring man! That is why Hans is my favorite character.

  14. My favorite character is Death. He/she seems so passionate,caring, and indearing. They way he tells the story through his eyes is so creepy and weird though. It amaises me how the author wrote this book, and how he felt when he was writing the book. I'm not that far in the book so i need to get reading. ;)

  15. My favorite character is Rudy. He is my favorite because he very outgoing and not afaid to speak up. Rudy is alway there for Liesel even if she doesn't return the favor. He is very persistant, especailly when it comes to getting that kiss from Liesel. He is kind and loves his family.

  16. Rudy was my favorite character. This was because he was so fun loving and persistent. He was fun loving in the sense of he liked a good steal. he enjoyed being a theif with Leisel. He was persistent because of his repeated asking for a kiss from Leisel. She siad no everytime until it was too late. I also liked him because he always did what he thought he should do and didn't let people dictate his decisions, like at Hitler Youth.

  17. Hmm... Geez, this is a tough question. Well, if death is a character , then it's him. But i'm not sure if you count him, so I'll go with papa. I like papa the most bec. He's sounds like my pa (itlain for grandpa for the ones who don't know that)! The both of them play accordin. I've never heard my pa play , but from what my nana said, he's amazing. Also, my pa used to smoke, but he didn't roll his cigeretes like papa does. (Well, he quitted a few years ago, and I'm very happy for him.)And my pa has always been there for me, kind of like papa for Lisel. So that's why I like papa, not just how awesome he is, but how he resembles my pa.

  18. My favorite character is definitely Liesel. Liesel is my favorite character because she reminds me a lot of me, because I have always been a book worm and enjoy reading good books. She is also a very likable character because of her kind, yet very human nature. Liesel is also a believable character because she is flawed, and due to her realistic emotions and actions. One example of how she is realistic is because many people secretly like people and never show it. How do I know this? I'm in middle school, and drama like that happens everyday at our school whether people know it or not. Any, to get back on topic, Liesel is also a character that you respect because of her devotion to her book, as well as her family and friends even when most of them are dead.

  19. My favorite character was probably Liesel. I liked Liesel because she just somehow reminded me, of me. Probably because she is stubborn the way I am. Also she is tiny like me but she is still tough. That's probably why I liked Liesel because I could relate to her.

  20. I think my favorite charactor has to be Papa because he is sweet all of the other characters in the book, he would do anything for Rosa and Liesel, and he is lettin a Jew sleep in their house no one would because they were to scared.

  21. I think my favorite character in The Book Theif is Liesel. During the book she went through a lot, beginning with witnessing her younger brother's death. However, she was still courageous. Although the event gave her nightmares, she never let the nightmares win. She would stay up with her Papa and read until she felt she was ready to go back to bed. She also was able to adjust to a new foster home. Getting new parents would be hard, especially if your brother just passed away. It took some time, but she eventually was able to grow to like her new parents, Rosa and Hans Hubermann. I think that Liesel is one of the most courageous characters in the book, and that's why she is my favorite.

  22. My favorite character in "The Book Thief" is Rudy Steiner. He is compassionate, fun, mischievous and brave. Rudy loves Liesel very much and would do anything for her. He is always there to support and protect her in everything she does. Rudy saved her book, "The Whistler", from the water and stopped Liesel from running to Max and being hurt by the Nazi official. He won races, stole, and provided for her, but was ok with simply being her best friend. Even though Rudy had such deep feelings for her, he always respected the fact that she would not kiss him. He is a person who was better at giving things back than taking them. Rudy was a great character and it is tragic that he will never be anything more than Liesel’s friend.

  23. My favorite character in this book is Rudy. He is a guy that you can relate to, and he is a character that everyone just likes. He goes through many things throughout the book with Liesel, and it is very sad at the end when he dies. He is a good athlete in the story, but he is not the best when it comes to fighting. This makes you feel sorry for him and makes you like him more as a character. There are many other characters in the story that I like, including Liesel and Max, but Rudy would have to be my favorite.

  24. My favorite Character was Rudy. I think he was my favorite because he was kind of always there for Liesel even when she didn't want him to be. He also jumped in the icy river to get back her book after it was thron in. He was even protecting her when she was going for max when he was marching and Rudy stopped her. He must of really cared about her and that is why he is my favorite character.

  25. besides Liesel, Rudy was my favorite character. I loved how he was stubborn and how he couldn't watch injustice take place without doing anything to stop it. he really did love Liesel, and I nearly broke down and cried at the end of this book. Rudy never got his kiss, but he always had Liesel.

  26. My favorite character would definatly have to be Rudy. I think the "lemon colored hair" kind of represents the spunk and kick Rudy has. He is a typical boy, yet he is different, too. He is safe in Nazi Germany, he has bright blue eyes and blonde hair, so it would be easy for him to just ignore the injustice, but he still thinks it is wrong to discriminate against people just because they look different. His family is very poor, but he doesn't just sit there and complain, he does something about, grant it, it is illegal, but still. Rudy loves Liesel and is pretty much the only reason she survives through the hard times.

  27. My favorite character is Rudy Steiner. He is a very determinded character. He's a boy who knows what he wants. And what he wants is a kiss from Liesel.
    Also, he is a very animated character. He is always doing something crazy. Like, the Jesse Owens inccident. He covered himself in charcoal and ran the 4 x 100 at the track.
    He is nice to Liesel when no one else is, which I think is cool.

  28. My favorite character is Liesel. Liesel is my favorite character because she is sweet and caring, but she is also edgy. She was scared to go to a new house. She is a real human being that I felt like I could relate to. I know what it feels like to be the new kid on the street or to make a mistake and get slapped or hit because of it. To me Liesel wasn't just a girl in the book I was reading she was more than that. She was a real girl that may not live in the same time period as me, but i can still relate to her. She may have had to go through a lot more than me but I still feel it when she was slapped. Liesel didn't like Hitler and i don't think I would have either. Liesel loved reading books and she was fascinated with them and i can be too. There are some examples of why Liesel was my favorite character.

  29. Rosa Hubermann is my favorite character. On the outside, she is tough and hard to reach, but you learn that on the inside she is very caring and sweet. In the beginning of the book, she calls Liesel names and forces her to do things that she doesn't want to. It isn't until Max comes that you realize how caring she really is. When Hans says that Max is going to hide in their basement, she doesn't question it at all. She knows that this is something she and Hans have to do and does it without thinking about what punishment she could receive if someone finds out about it. Another moment that shows that Rosa is a kind person under her rough exterior is when she goes to Liesel's school to yell at her for loosing her hairbrush. At first, I thought that it was really mean of her, but it turns out that Rosa really went to tell Liesel that Max woke up from being unconscious. She knows that Liesel cares about Max and his well-being and has to find a way to tell Liesel without other people being suspicious. Rosa truly loves Liesel, she just shows it differently than most people and that is why she is my favorite character.

  30. My favorite charecter was definately Rudy. I admired his relationship with Leisel, because it reminds me of my neighbor and I when we were little. I loved how eventhough Rudy and Leisel were usually mean to each other but you could tell they were right for one enother. I loved how onry Rudy was and I admired his unracist behaivier throughout the book.

  31. My favorite character in this book was Rudy. He was strong and courageous because he wouldn't join the Nazi party or be an officer.

  32. My favorite charater in The Book Thief, was Rudy. Rudy was my favorite character because he was adventurous, mischievious, and an all-round good person. Althought Liesiel didn't give him a kiss, he was still a great friend. He stood up for that kid who had a hearing problem and he stood up for Liesel when she helped out the Jews in the death march when she was supposed to get a beaten.

  33. Rudy was my favorite character in the whole book because he was very strong and courageous. He refused to join with the Nazi party and he didn't want to be an officer even though it was a very good offer and most people would have killed to have that position. Also all of the stuff he did in the book impressed me these were just a few things.

  34. My favorite character would have to be Liesl. There is just something about Liesl that makes me want to find out more about her. After she stole that first book it gave her that era of mystery like when is she going to strike again. That feeling that I had of her from the very beginning, just led me through the whole book loving her more and more.

  35. My favorite charcter is Hans Hubermann because he is kind and compassionate. He cared and loved Liesel from the moment she came to his family. He is generous and isn't part of the Nazi Party because he stands by his beliefs. He doesn't care where you're from or what race you are because he still treats you like an equal. Hans still painted Jewish houses and covered up racial slurs that were written on their doors. Hans painted people's blinds even though they couldn't pay him or give him anything in return. Hans loves everyone, even Rosa who sometimes treats him like dirt.

  36. Rudy is definitely my favorite character.
    I have never been one to love the actual main character, so when Rudy was introduced, I knew that he would be my favorite throughout the book. Rudy was a crazy boy. Even when he was little, you knew that there was something different with him. Rudy liked girls at his age while the others still thought that they had cooties. He would set his mind on something and his determination was unbreakable.
    I love his personality too; the way that when he thinks that he’s done something good, that he deserves a kiss. He would always ask Liesel for a kiss and it really depressed me in the end when he only got a kiss once he had died. He had a good heart, too. He wanted to find his dad after he’d been taken away. He knew what they did wasn’t right. He was also able to hold the secret that Liesel told him about Max.
    He’s saved Liesel’s life many times and yet all he asks in return is a simple kiss. There were many opportunities that he would’ve been able to receive one, but that was just one thing that didn’t happen.
    I also really liked the Jessie Owens incident. I thought that it was pretty cool of a young kid to really look up to someone that wasn’t blood related. I liked how he painted himself black with charcoal and then ran around the race track, trying to be like the 4 time Olympic medalist.
    There were so many things about Rudy that I loved. These were just a few to explain why Rudy Steiner was my favorite character in The Book Thief.

  37. my favorite character i would have to say is death. he is very strong minded and powerful. i know this is a weird choice, but he has so much power and is very interesting to me

  38. My favorite character no doubt, would be Liesel. There are so many reasons too! I feel like in the beginning of the book I looked at her as a little girl who I could picture alone with no set personality. I felt bad thinking that because she was going through so much and she couldn’t help being scared and shy. As the book went on though, I started to see more of myself in her! I mean of course, not in the peeing my pants every night kind of way; but the maturing and letting people in kind of way. I didn’t have it nearly as bad as Liesel as a child, in fact I loved my childhood. I am just saying that I could see how she was connecting more with her foster father and even her foster mother. By letting them in to share her emotions with, that’s where I saw myself. Whenever I needed to be comforted I would turn to my mother for support, in the same way Liesel turned to her papa. That’s why I liked her best. She opened up and changed as the story went on. At first, I was seeing a little girl more like a little sister, I couldn’t really put my finger on it because I don’t have any younger siblings. However I could picture myself being there and looking after her as an older sister would. But like I said, that was only in the beginning. Near the end, my view was completely changed and I admired her for her bravery and maturity. She was no longer a little sister figure, she was someone who I looked up to, someone I wanted to succeed. Someone to…in a way win the game. Then that is when it hit me. This in no way was even remotely a game! This was the story of hundreds of children all over Germany during the Holocaust. That’s when I knew this book was truly a good one. Because it had opened my eyes to what really happened, told by an average little girl, in all too many ways… just like myself.

  39. My favorite character was death because he seamed to have a good personality even though he was death. I think that making Death the narriator was a very good choice in this book.
    Paige Benton hour 2

  40. My favorite character in the book would have to be Death. The way how he is my favorite character is that he is the fact he is involved in the story with many of the characters, but also the fact that Death also has some humanoid characteristics throughout the book. I wouldn't name him a dynamic character, but he would be one who really sticks out in the book.

  41. My favorite character is Rosa Hubermann. I like Rosa because in the beginning of the book she shows her really mean side by calling Hans and Liesel mean names. As the middle of the book comes along she becomes more pleasant to be around. She keeps her fights with Hans to a minimum while Max and Liesel are around and she rarely does fight with him toward the end. I really liked when she went to Liesel's school pretending she was going to yell at her, but really was just there to tell Liesel that Max was alive. HaliR2

  42. My favorite character is Papa. When Liesel joins the family she dos'nt feel very welcome, and decides not to cooperate with mama. But after awhile she get's to know her new papa. When he teaches Liesl how to read, he practicly becomes her new best friend. He plays music for her and when she wakes up in one of her scary nightmares he is always there to calm her. I think papa gives a loving, careing, gental vibe the no one else in the book has.
